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上海宝山保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Shanghai Baoshan Poly Haiyue Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.约500万起买“中环旁地铁盘”!中环南大 公园品质住区!The starting price of about 5 million to buy a "subway plate next to Central"!Quality residential area in Nanda Park, Central!双公园就在家旁边 + 超体量综合体毗邻Double parks right next to home + super large complex adjacent「保利海上瑧悦」三期"Poly Ocean Joy" Phase 3约99-130㎡谨此文化高定邸Approximately 99-130 square meters, this cultural high-end residence备案均价60713元/㎡The average registration price is 60,713 yuan/㎡ 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】硬核配套:约500米15号线丰翔路站!一公里内丰翔路、南大路双TOD商业配套硬核区位:中环旁科创主阵地,南大智慧城核心地段!硬核产品:正地铁精装四房,媲美单价10W+豪宅!硬核品质:东方文化属性奢宅,不惜重金打造的社区园林!硬核品牌:世界五百强央企保利,2023荣膺中国房地产百强企业TOP1;保利物业,央企物业TOP1 项目信息保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】虽然环线内的资源、配套大多都是高配,但像保这样约500米双轨交+出门即公园+步行即高端商业的项目,也是十分少见。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Phone Number] Although most of the resources and supporting facilities in the ring line are high-end, like Baoli, it is about 500 meters of double-track transit + a park is right outside the door + a high-end business is within walking distance projects are also very rare.在这样的配套能级下,项目的总价约500万起,您敢信吗?约500米双轨交正地铁盘!首先,距离项目直线约500米就是已经通车的15号线丰翔路站。另外,22号线已经在规划中了,这条轨交将在丰翔路站与15号线交汇。也就是说,会是一个约500米范围内双轨交环绕的新房。 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】其次,周边规划建设40个特色公园打造2.6平方公里自然生态绿心板块绿化率高达43%。项目西侧即为南大公园,1公里范围内还规划有300亩的南大中央公园。步行范围内约60万方双TODThe telephone number of the sales office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The telephone number of the Sales Office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] Secondly, 40 characteristic parks are planned and constructed in the surrounding area. The greening rate of the 2.6 square kilometers natural ecological green core section is as high as 43%.To the west of the project is Nanda Park, and a 300-acre Nanda Central Park is planned within 1 kilometer.Approximately 600,000 square meters of double TOD within walking distance 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】最后,丰翔路站、南大路站正在建设2大TOD综合体,约60万方商业体量,是7倍之于新天地。也将成为上海仅有的,直线约1km范围内双地铁上盖的新房!更重要的是,南大被定位上海市“科创中心主阵地”的核心承载区,与张江、漕河泾共同构成上海中环带上的科创产业版图、不可复制再生的黄金三角。The phone number of the sales office of Poly Offshore Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The phone number of the Sales Office of Poly Offshore Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] Finally, Fengxiang Road Station and Nanda Road Station are Construction of two major TOD complexes with a commercial volume of approximately 600,000 square meters is seven times that of Xintiandi.It will also become the only new house in Shanghai built on top of two subways within a straight line of about 1km!More importantly, NTU is positioned as the core hosting area of Shanghai's "main frontier of science and technology innovation center". Together with Zhangjiang and Caohejing, it forms the territory of science and technology innovation industry in Shanghai's middle ring belt, a golden triangle that cannot be replicated or regenerated. 期板块内的各项产业、配套不断落地,发展迅猛!区域价值不断攀升。换句话说,未来南大的价值将直线攀升,约500万起还想买中环南大,真的不会再有了。约百米的气派门头、近5000万的景观造价、近百万的奢石... 还未走进项目,远远的就能看到一座长达约100米的门头+车马集院。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】其中,定制得约6米高、35米长的显赫门头,搭配大象灰石材亚光面和拉槽面的结合使用,层次细腻,恢弘大气。The sales office phone number of Poly Haiyue Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Phone Number] Among them, the distinguished door head is customized to be about 6 meters high and 35 meters long, with elephant gray stone matte surface and grooved surface. Used in combination, the layers are delicate and magnificent.保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】而车马集院也是专属定制的礼仪空间。这个只有旧时高门大户才能有的礼序空间,把人行、车行道路完全区隔开了。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue is: 400-8828-814 [sales office phone number], and the carriage and horse courtyard is also an exclusive and customized ceremonial space.This ceremonial space, which was only available to wealthy families in the old days, completely separated pedestrians and vehicular traffic. 这是南大崭新的恢弘天际线,也是业主身份的象征。,延续了张园“的“以画入园、引水入园”的理念,将长200m近1000m²的水系覆盖到整个社区内。 水景形态各异,有中心静水、三层跌水、点状涌泉、立面叠瀑、弧形流水五大不同呈现方式。水系的引入,让整个社区彻底灵动飘逸了起来。 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】小区内更是穿插设置了碧波归苑、疏林影院、落英雅境、芳华聚场、银杏舞台、桃园趣集、邻间雅庭、花园雅集、活力竞场等9大区域。Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] The community is interspersed with Bibo Guiyuan, Shulin Cinema, Luoying Yajing, Youth Gathering, Ginkgo Stage, and Taoyuan Fun Collection 9 major areas including Neighborhood Courtyard, Garden Gathering and Vitality Arena.保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】对古代品茗、寻幽、听雨、赏雪、抚琴等9大雅事,进行了现代化的演终。近5000万的景观造价、近百万的奢石 手工高定的纹样...豪宅才有的奢华标准Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] carries out a modern interpretation of the nine ancient elegant activities such as drinking tea, seeking secluded places, listening to the rain, appreciating the snow, and playing the piano.The landscape construction cost nearly 50 million yuan, the luxurious stones and hand-made high-end patterns of nearly one million yuan...a luxury standard only found in luxury houses. 这座文化高定社区的用料。这些用料,都是其他同级别甚至千万级豪宅都少有的。树种:全冠移植名贵树种,造价近5000万。即使是豪宅,交付时园林区的植物也大多都是小树苗。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】全冠移植了红舞姬、铁冬青、油橄榄等全国的高价值高观赏性的树种,造价近5000万!并且把这些来自全国各地的名贵树种分别种植在每栋楼前。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The whole crown has been transplanted with national high-value and ornamental tree species such as red dancer, iron holly, and olive oil, with a cost of nearly 50 million!And these precious tree species from all over the country are planted in front of each building. 对于业主而言,下楼就能欣赏来自全国的名贵树植,这是只有顶级豪宅业主才能享受的奢华。 石材:圆明园同款黑山石,造价百万。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】社区共有约160吨的黑山石,采用的可是和圆明园同款的园林奢石,它们全部取材自九岭山脉,历史的悠悠岁月浓缩在石材之中,彰显业主的身份及审美。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Phone Number] There are about 160 tons of black mountain stone in the community. They use the same style of garden luxury stone as the Old Summer Palace. They are all taken from the Jiuling Mountains. The history The long years are concentrated in the stone, highlighting the owner's identity and aesthetics. 纹样:蟒水纹、一字枋心、海棠纹、套方锦...手工高定东方文化细节。整个小区定制了8000片蟒水纹样贴片,它们全部都由纯手工打造,空隙和图案精确到3毫米级别。蟒纹,为象龙之表,辅以“海水江牙”,这是古代皇室的象征,寓意尊崇。 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】这样的细节工艺,在小区内部不胜枚举,蟒水纹、一字枋心、海棠纹把手、套方锦、金属屏风等,就连公区装饰中并不起眼的黄铜构件,上面的纹路都是在高温炉里烧制后,用手工锤一寸一寸敲打出来的…立面:东方金镶玉设计,构造新的城市天际线。The telephone number of the sales office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The telephone number of the Sales Office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] Such detailed craftsmanship is numerous in the community. For example, the python water pattern, the one-word Fang heart, the crabapple pattern handle, the square brocade cover, the metal screen, etc., and even the inconspicuous brass components in the public area decoration, the patterns on them are all fired in a high-temperature furnace. Knocked out inch by inch with a hand hammer...the facade: oriental gold and jade design, constructing a new city skyline. 建筑造型灵感源自东方金镶玉设计,立面形似玉踪纹样,高级白金色调搭配柔和曲形线条,呈现灵动飘逸的东方美感。 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】以“意境东方、一园三堂、悦见青绿、松石守望”为文化线索,打造可行、可望、可游、可居的东方风雅门庭。Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Taking "Oriental artistic conception, three halls in one garden, pleasant sight of green, and turquoise watching" as cultural clues, we create a feasible, promising, and travelable, A livable oriental elegant courtyard. 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】运用多种组景手法,一山一水,一花一木,步移景异,无不体现层次之美,动态之美。宅间花园还原了东方仕人的生活景象,设置了归家树阵、林荫下沉卡座、社区趣味小舞台、游乐与科普设施、球类运动场、活力环跑道、中小学生体测场地等功能,境随景移,情景交融,仕人生活,跃然纸上。中水系形态变化丰富,通过200米、近1000平的静水、跌水、涌泉、瀑布等不同的形态诉说传统东方文化水系的不同寓意。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] uses a variety of landscape composition techniques, with mountains and rivers, flowers and trees, and different scenery with each step, all of which reflect the beauty of layers and dynamics.The garden of the house restores the life scene of Oriental officials, and is equipped with functions such as a homecoming tree array, sunken booths under the tree shade, a small community stage, amusement and science facilities, a ball sports field, a vitality ring track, and a physical examination venue for primary and secondary school students. , the environment changes with the scenery, the scenes blend, and the lives of officials are vividly displayed on the paper.The middle water system has a rich variety of forms. It tells the different meanings of the water system in traditional Eastern culture through different forms such as still water, falling water, springs, and waterfalls covering an area of 200 meters 复刻“张园”三大水系的二次营造,围绕楼王布置,贯穿入口、启动区庭院、仪式归家轴线、超级引力中心,形成流动灵活的水系。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】古人言“宅以门户为冠带”,门是一种礼仪制度的象征,更是宅第品格修养的表现。,单元门头整体和小区入口大堂呼应,两侧采用大象灰石材哑光面和拉槽面,门头金属条纹的细密程度拿捏地恰到好处,在细节和光影设计上做了整体东方格调的把控,层次细腻、典雅大方。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The phone number of the Sales Office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] As the ancients said, "A house is crowned by its portal." , the door is a symbol of etiquette system, and it is also a manifestation of the character cultivation of the house., the unit door as a whole echoes the entrance lobby of the community. The two sides are made of elephant gray stone with matte surface and grooved surface. The fineness of the metal stripes on the door is just right, and the overall oriental style is applied in the details and light and shadow design. Controlled, delicate, elegant and generous. 户型图如下: 保利新一代臻装创研更人性化、智能化的功能设计!保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】居家空间的功能设计,应当一切围绕人的生活需求。保利瑧悦系产品,深入精研传统东方家庭的24小时生活习惯,将更具人性化、智能化的设计思考,融汇到每一处空间与细节之中。The phone number of the Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The functional design of the home space should be centered around people's living needs.Poly Xingyue series products deeply study the 24-hour living habits of traditional Oriental families, and integrate more humane and intelligent design thinking into every space and detail.集收纳与科技于一体 更懂生活的智慧玄关保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】高效利用室内空间,玄关设计海量收纳空间的储物柜,既可收纳鞋子,也可以外出衣物。鞋柜配置消杀精灵,具备去除异味、消毒杀菌等功能,保持玄关清爽整洁。柜体采用活动层板,可根据使用需求,灵活调整层板的位置和结构。柜门内部设置更衣镜,方便出门之前整理着装。更巧妙的是,玄关安装一键全屋灯光开关,无需折返检查,即可关闭所有灯光。The sales office phone number of Poly Haiyue Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Phone Number] Efficiently utilize the indoor space, and the entrance is designed with storage cabinets with massive storage space, which can store shoes and clothes when going out.The shoe cabinet is equipped with a sterilizing elf, which has the functions of removing odors, disinfecting and sterilizing, keeping the entrance clean and tidy.The cabinet adopts movable shelves, and the position and structure of the shelves can be flexibly adjusted according to usage needs.There is a dressing mirror inside the cabinet door, making it easy to organize your clothes before going out.Even more cleverly, a one-touch whole-house light switch is installed at the entrance, so that all lights can be turned off without having to go back and check. 联合方太品牌共研 打造智慧幸福的家庭厨房关照东方家庭的饮食习惯,科学规划厨房的空间功能,为家庭料理打造流畅的操作动线。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】半开放式厨房,不仅可开窗通风,同时精选方太品牌高端系三件套,预装全自动的嵌入式洗碗机、超强吸力的抽油烟机和易清洁的安全燃气灶,有效解决中式烹饪的油烟烦恼。考虑到夏天气温炎热,厨房吊顶预装凉霸,让厨房清爽降温。根据餐厅岛台的日常使用需求,首先将岛台长度从60cm优化升级拓宽至90cm,更符合人体工学,其次岛台桌体下方空间,增设双面收纳柜,方便储存料理工具与调味品。五感超前健康科技 提升居家生活舒适度!The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The phone number of the Sales Office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The semi-open kitchen can not only open the window for ventilation , at the same time, a three-piece set of high-end FOTILE brand is selected, which is pre-installed with a fully automatic built-in dishwasher, a super-suction range hood and an easy-to-clean safety gas stove to effectively solve the fume trouble of Chinese cooking.Considering that the temperature is hot in summer, the kitchen ceiling is pre-installed with a cooler to cool down the kitchen.According to the daily use needs of the restaurant island, firstly, the length of the island was optimized and expanded from 60cm to 90cm, which is more ergonomic. Secondly, a double-sided storage cabinet was added to the space under the island table to facilitate the storage of cooking tools and condiments.Five senses advanced health technology 聚焦人的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉五个感知维度,围绕生活必需的空气、水、声音、气味、光照,创新打造五感健康科技系统。私家入户大门,配置智能指纹密码锁,轻轻触碰立刻识别解锁。室内玄关安装可视对讲系统与电子猫眼,升级居家生活安全的守护。卧室房间装配静音门锁,有效减少日常开合的噪音干扰。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】为了均衡调节室内的温度与湿度,全屋配置日立(或同等知名品牌)的中央空调与地暖联供系统,有效过滤净化室内空气,让室内空间能够在四季保持恒温恒湿恒氧。厨房配置末端净水系统,通过高效精滤技术,有效消除重金属、氯气、细菌等有害物质,随时享用安全纯净的直饮水。考虑到南方冬季的寒冷潮湿天气,卫浴间采用高仪、唯宝等德系知名品牌,带来更舒适的温度触感。Poly Haiyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] In order to balance the indoor temperature and humidity, the whole house is equipped with a central air-conditioning and floor heating joint supply system from Hitachi (or an equivalent well-known brand) to effectively filter Purify indoor air so that indoor space can maintain constant temperature, humidity and oxygen in all seasons.The kitchen is equipped with a terminal water purification system, which uses high-efficiency fine filtration technology to effectively eliminate heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and other harmful substances, allowing you to enjoy safe and pure drinking water at any time.Taking into account the cold and humid weather in winter in the south, the bathroom uses well-known German brands such as Grohe and Villeroy & Boch to bring a more comfortable temperature and touch. 保利新一代空间创研 打造东方人文交流式生活!当生活的重心回归家庭,我们就此回归温暖而又舒适的怀抱。如何在有限的空间之内,创造更具交流互动感的生活方式,成为保利瑧悦系产品设计的思考原点。S型流线户型 增强生活亲密互动保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】打开家门的那一刻,明亮舒朗的空间视野,从玄关径直延伸至阳台。半开放式厨房,打破了传统的全封闭设计,与餐厅无界相通,面朝客厅与阳台,形成S型流畅生活动线,也打破了居家生活的空间隔阂,无形之间,增强家人之间在日常时刻的交流与互动。The phone number of the sales office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The moment you open the door of your home, you will see a bright and comfortable space view extending straight from the entrance to the balcony.The semi-open kitchen breaks the traditional fully enclosed design and is connected to the dining room without boundaries. It faces the living room and balcony, forming an S-shaped smooth living line. It also breaks the spatial barriers of home life and invisibly enhances the connection between family members. Communication and interaction in everyday moments. 转角设计的半封闭式阳台(部分户型),宽阔进深设计,不仅拓宽观景视野,还能获得更充裕的自然日照,让阳光洒满生活。 每一间卧房皆设飘窗,为每一颗热爱生活的心,预留一方浪漫天地。 主卧参考酒店式套房,拥有独立卫浴间,尊重日常生活的私密感。与此同时,卫浴间的飘窗附设壁龛,可用于收纳,增加实用性。灵动洄游户型 亲密无界生活聚场保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】在理工科的学术领域里,X被赋予多元百变、自由定义的功能。保利瑧悦系,将X的概念引入空间设计,由此诞生了可根据生活需求、进行自由改造的X百变空间。在的128㎡户型设计中,X空间的功能由业主定义,可以是书房,也可以是mini健身房、练习的琴房。Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Phone] In the academic field of science and engineering, X is endowed with diverse and freely defined functions.Poly Xingyue series introduces the concept of X into space design, thus creating an X-changing space that can be freely transformed according to life needs.In the 128-square-meter apartment design, the function of the X space is defined by the owner. It can be a study room, a mini gym, or a piano room for practice. 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】原本全封闭式、独立一隅的静谧空间,也可以打破墙体的限制,成为开放式天地,与厨房、餐厅、客厅三大功能空间无界联通,诞生宽敞奢阔的家庭社交生活聚场,形成灵动自如的洄游式生活动线。合理利用儿童房的有限空间,让床箱、柜体与飘窗整合一体化设计,让晨光唤醒睡梦的孩子。床体长度增加至2米,不仅扩容储物收纳的空间,同时关照孩子的未来成长。南北通透的方正格局,窗墙面积比例从30%提升至40%,最大限度为室内引入自然光照,微风与空气在室内自由流动,自然而然地舒展明朗的视野。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The phone number of the Sales Office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] Originally a fully enclosed, independent and quiet space , it can also break the limitations of the walls and become an open world, connected without boundaries with the three functional spaces of the kitchen, dining room, and living room, creating a spacious and luxurious family social life gathering place, forming a flexible and free migratory life activity line.Make rational use of the limited space in the children's room and integrate the bed box, cabinet and bay window into an integrated design, so that the morning light can wake up the sleeping children.The length of the bed is increased to 2 meters, which not only expands the storage space, but also takes care of the child's future growth.The square layout of the north and south is transparent, and the window wall area ratio is increased f 板块信息直线距离中环仅约3.5Km,地处上海2035规划中同时占位“中心辐射+南北转型”两大方针的南大生态智慧城。 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】根据规划,南大生态智慧城在产业方面将以科创企业总部为主导,聚焦数字经济、合成生物、科技金融等产业,同步支持生物医药、人工智能芯片研发等科创产业发展,整体定位为上海市“科创中心主阵地”的核心承载区。The sales office phone number of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] The phone number of the Sales Office of Poly Ocean Jinyue: 400-8828-814 [Telephone number of the sales office] According to the plan, Nanda Eco-Smart City is in the industry It will be led by the headquarters of science and technology innovation enterprises, focusing on industries such as digital economy, synthetic biology, technology and finance, and simultaneously supporting the development of science and technology innovation industries such as biomedicine and artificial intelligence chip research and development. It will be positioned as the core of Shanghai's "main position of science and technology innovation center" Bearing area.从整体定位来看,南大生态智慧城将与浦东张江、徐汇漕河泾共同组成上海金色中环不可复制的科创三角,以科创描绘价值蓝图。From the overall positioning point of view, NTU Eco-Smart City will form an unreplicable science and technology triangle in Shanghai’s golden middle ring with Zhangjiang in Pudong and Caohejing in Xuhui, using science and technology to create a value blueprint.作为上海中心城区为数不多大规模开发的科创新高地,南大生态智慧城以纽约曼哈顿街区为蓝本,总建筑规模约540万㎡的立体智慧之城,如此规模相当于5个徐汇滨江西岸金融城!As one of the few large-scale technological innovation hubs in central Shanghai, NTU Eco-Smart City is modeled on the Manhattan neighborhood of New York. It is a three-dimensional smart city with a total construction area of approximately 5.4 million square meters. This size is equivalent to five Xuhui Riverside Financial City! 时至今日,南大生态智慧城跃然纸上的规划,正在一一落地。南大智慧城最重要的科创产业新载体“科创之门”也已结构封顶,南大路站旁的首发地块数智中心双子塔已经竣工交付进入运营阶段……除此之外,南大生态智慧城的产业也在一一兑现。 板块内聚焦的智能网联汽车、人工智能、节能环保、智慧医疗等主导产业,已有先导科技/中软国际/深创投/国泰君安/安永/毕马威等超530家头部科创金融企业先后签约入驻,产业总投资超400亿元。The sector focuses on leading industries such as intelligent connected cars, artificial intelligence, energy conservation and environmental protection, and smart medical care. More than 530 leading science and technology innovation financial companies, including Leading Technology/ChinaSoft International/Shenzhen Venture Capital/Guotai Junan/Ernst & Young/KPMG, have signed contracts. Settled in, the total industrial investment exceeds 40 billion yuan.当然,未来还将有更多科创产业的引进以及城市资源的完善,我们始终相信南大生态智慧城的兑现远不止于此。 除了地处科创高地之外,还紧邻上海科创引擎线:地铁15号线。 直线距离地铁15号线丰翔路站仅约500米。保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】地铁15号线不仅连接了上海南站、上海西站两大交通枢纽,还串联了3大国家级科创园区、9座高校10大校区,承载着产值近亿元的超级科创产业引擎,实乃当之无愧的千亿科创引擎线!Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Metro Line 15 not only connects the two major transportation hubs of Shanghai South Railway Station and Shanghai West Railway Station, but also connects three national-level science and technology innovation parks, There are 9 universities and 10 major campuses, carrying a super science and technology innovation industry engine with an output value of nearly 100 million yuan. It is a well-deserved science and technology innovation engine line with a value of 100 billion yuan!除此之外,地铁22号线已经在规划中了,据规划显示,这条轨交将在丰翔路站与15号线交汇。 这也就意味着,约500米范围内同时拥有地铁15/22号线双轨交汇!保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】商业方面,除了周边现有的购物中心之外,未来周边还规划包括地铁15号线丰翔路站和南大路站在内的两大TOD商业中心。Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] In terms of business, in addition to the existing shopping malls in the surrounding area, the surrounding areas are also planned to include Fengxiang Road Station and Nanda Road Station of Metro Line 15 in the future. There are two major TOD business centers in the area. 据了解,其中丰翔路站TOD规划体量约39.4万方,南大路站TOD规划体量约32.2万方,二者规模之和超过71万方!教育方面,南大生态智慧城规划建设14所院校,包括已经建成的上海大学附属学校、上大附中、宝山区南大实验学校等教育资源。 生态方面,南大生态智慧城规划建设40个主题公园! 保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】根据规划,这里将打造超过2.7平方公里的生态体系,整体大小相当于2个世纪公园,无论居民还是企业员工步行一两分钟就有相邻的绿化空间,提供一个花园般的城市形态。如此规模的城市绿肺,整个中心城区也寥寥无几。Poly Ocean Jinyue Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] According to the plan, an ecological system of more than 2.7 square kilometers will be created here. The overall size is equivalent to 2 Century Parks. Both residents and corporate employees can walk for a short distance. There are adjacent green spaces within two minutes, providing a garden-like urban form.There are very few urban green lungs of this scale in the entire central city. 约500万级上海中环About 5 million level Shanghai Central双公园就在家旁边 + 超体量综合体毗邻Double parks right next to home + super large complex adjacent上海宝山保利海上瑧悦售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Shanghai Baoshan Poly Haiyue Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.